Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Goofy Little Beauty

Normally I take for granted the sound of your laughter, and the brightness of your smile.
Today, you hurt yourself.
I'm not entire sure what you got into, but you came to me in the bathroom, red eyed, and whimpering.
I called for help, did what I needed to do to help you.
You cried, screamed, and kicked
Even the help hurt.
It made my heart ache.
I'm sorry.
I cried a little too.
I wanted that ear to ear smile back.
I wanted that bubbling laughter back.
We're laying in bed now.
You all wrapped up, and calming down.
Me doing anything just to see you smile.
I love you my goofy little beauty.
Sometimes I forget how much.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I Lied

The worst part of working a swing shift is not the strange people that come in around 11:30 or so. It isn't the groups of drunken barely over teenagers stumbling in to find munchies so they can return to their alcoholic escapades. I can honestly say the it's not random truck drivers who try to slip their phone numbers, hastily written on a napkin, into my hand... Okay I lied.
The answer is all of the above.
And the fact that it's three AM and I'm still wide awake.

Monday, April 16, 2012


I found this link while stumbling.
I found a little tutorial on this site, and I have spent the last few hours drawing these silly squiggly lines, and to be frank, my fingers hurt.

I had forgotten about the scratching sound of graphite on a sketch pad. I missed the feeling of filling a blank page with grey color. I think more than anything I miss the feeling of accomplishment when I finish a drawing and step back, proud that I created something beautiful.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


"Fleshy jello mold."
Discuss among yourselves.

Yeah I know its kinda cheating, but I'm curious what people think of.
So post a comment with the first thing that comes to mind

Friday, April 13, 2012


"The interdimensional zombies just broke through the force field. They're-- ARGHH BLARGH!...."
That was the last thing I heard before the connection to the bridge was disconnected.
I looked around, searching for anything that I could use as a weapon without much success.
"I'm screwed."

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ask of You

I'm listening to my husband play his ukulele; a present for his birthday last year. He's strumming a song I asked him to learn, and though he doesn't actually like the tune, he learned it anyway. For me. It's silly but to me, that's love. Doing something you don't want/like to do because the person you loved asked it of you.


I keep hearing old songs from forever ago.
I can't seem to think of anything new.
Old lyrics, and ancient tunes rolling around in my brain.
I can't believe they call those songs the "oldies" now...