Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hell Yeah

I tried to lift my arm, and pain shot up my back.  I tried to get off the bed with a similar result.
Damn. I think I have a rib out. How the hell did I do this?
I laid back down, sighing at my plight.
Damn it, I've got stuff to do today. I went through the list in my head.
Wash laundry.
Pick up the house.
Dry laundry.
Do the dishes.
Fold laundry.
Oh yeah, and put away laundry.
I tried once more to sit up, and felt like I had a knife shove roughly between my ribs.
Well I guess I'm stuck in bed today... wait a second. I smiled slyly. I have a legitimate physical excuse to stay in bed, and do nothing all day. Hell yeah.

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