Saturday, April 7, 2012


I felt a heaviness on my chest, and opened my eyes to see a pair of violet eyes staring back at me. I felt my heart skip a beat, and I stared back at the indigo skinned creature. It squatted on my chest, spindly arms resting on its knees.
"What do you want." I whispered. 
It cocked it's head to the left, continuing to study me from inches away.
I repeated my question. 
It remained silent.
"Get off me."
It slowly shook its head at me.
"Why not?"
It cocked its head to the right, and raised an eyebrow at me.
Because I have something to show you.
My eyes widened. "Something to show me? What?"
It carefully lifted one arm, and laid its middle finger in the center of my forehead.

Behold your future. The universe is calling you, and you ignore it. No longer can you deny your destiny. You must embrace your fate with open arms or we will perish.

I sat up gasping. Had that been a dream? A vision? Shaking my head, I got up, and headed to the bathroom to spash some water on my face. I flick on the light, and looked at my face in the mirror. My breath caught in my throat. In my reflection I saw a purple mark on my forehead.

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