Thursday, February 9, 2012


What now?
I took a deep breath and looked up. A fist sized fleshy rock hit me square in the nose. I doubled over, holding my head in my hands.
"What the fuck!" Screaming I ran around the counter into what I realized was a full on bar fight.
I grabbed the shirt of the nearest brawler to me, and yanked back as hard as I could. He gagged on his shirt collar, and fell backwards into my knee. Leaving him rolling on the floor I moved further into the fray.
I felt a hand grip my shoulder. Ducking down I turned, swept his feet out from under him, and moved on. I'd had enough.  I jumped up on the bar and grabbed a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue.
I raised the bottle in the air. "Everyone sit down or Johnnie gets it!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. The room fell silent.
"That's better."
I climbed off the counter, and poured myself a shot. Every eye in the room followed my hand as I lifted the glass to my lips, and let the amber liquid it slide down my throat.
There is at least one upside to being a bartender.

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