Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Writing exercise from http://www.cmmayo.com/d5mwearchives.february.html

The ancient door creaked open and from the darkness she caught of a whiff of something like old apples. She pulled the string to the light bulb; the stairwell remained dark. "Bulb's dead," he said. 
Write on!

"Well it wouldn't be if you had bothered to change it last month like I ask you to. Now we're in the middle of a snow storm, and I can't even get into the cellar to get my cider!"
"I haven't fixed it because I can't find the ladder, Janice."
"You would know where the ladder is if you put things back after you use them." Janice retorted.
Howard sighed, and stepped into the darkness. He knew where everything was in his house. He knew every creak, and squeak in the stairwell. He even knew exactly where Janice kept her cider, though he'd never tell her. He grabbed a bottle out of the cobwebs, and headed back for the stairwell. 
"Here you are sweetheart, right where you told me it would be."
"Thank you dear." Janice smiled at her husband sweetly.

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