Tuesday, February 21, 2012


My husband has been out of town for a few days. While he was gone, the Jack Russell terrier (Blade) that we care for has was my constant companion when I was at home. He followed me around the house at my heals. He slept on the bed with me for four days, and protected me. He guarded me as though Tony had giving him a sacred mission to protect my life and limb while he was away. Unfortunately I think he got too used to having bed privileges.
Tony arrived home last night, a little after one am. When he crawled into bed, and attempted to kick Blade off the bed, the disgruntled canine looked up at him with an expression that said; "You want me to do what? You're banishing me to the sleeping bag in front of the heater again? After all I did for you while you were gone. After I watched over your female person?! He snorted, glared at Tony, and jumped off the bed. Trotting over to my side, Blade looked up at me with longing. Will YOU let me back up in the bed?
 "Go to bed Blade." I said. " I scratched his head. "Go on." He snorted again, and tried, futility to use the puppy dogs eyes on me once more before finally giving up, and laying down.

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