Monday, February 6, 2012

Nigh Nigh

I lay my daughter down, and cover us both up with the blanket. My feet stick off the end of the bed a foot or so, and Bella laughs.
"Mommy funny."
"Yes, yes Mommy's feet are funny. Lay down I'll sing the Nigh nigh song."
I begin to sing and she waves her hands gently in the air to the melody. The first verse ends with a bah bu bum bah bum, while I tap her tummy in time. With the toddler giggling madly at me, I start it over again, repeat it once, and half again.
"You know I love you, and I really must say, goodnight sweetheart goodnight..."
She smiles, filling her entire face with joy. I kiss her on the forehead, walk out, and shut the door behind me.

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