Friday, February 24, 2012


In no more 10 words for each, sketch the characters named Jamilla, Joyce and Larry. Once you've done that, answer these question quickly (without thinking): where are they? And what do they want from one another?

Here goes nothin...

Jamilla: Short Arabic woman. Speaks fluent American. Distrustful of strangers.
Joyce: Religious fanatic. Fast talker. Faster at putting foot in mouth.
Larry: Married to Joyce. Quiet. Soft spoken. Hard working. Stubborn.

Joyce, and Larry are sitting at a table in the mall food court, and Joyce is talking to Larry about "those terrorist folks" and suddenly she sees Jamilla. She whispers that they should move. Jamilla hears the conversation, and tries to ignore Joyce. She looks down at her table, and waits until they finally leave.

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