Sunday, March 18, 2012


You don't need to go on a diet. You look great!
Like you really need to lose any weight.
Yeah, like you've got sooo much to lose.

Whether or not any of these statement are true is irrelevant. I want to go on a diet. Despite the comments, and veiled criticisms, I've decided to do something positive for myself, and to be perfectly frank, I dislike having someone tell me (in a backhanded way mind you) that they think I'm making the wrong choice in dieting. Well it's my choice. I choose to do it. Society didn't trick me into thinking I'm fat. I'm not. Peers haven't jeered me into looking as myself in a negative way. I don't. I simply feel I need to make some positive changes in my life, starting with my body, and how I treat it. Period. Deal with it.

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