Thursday, March 29, 2012


I have a migraine.
I don't get them often, rarely even, but when I do it's bad.

Tears fall down my cheeks as I struggle against the agony in my head. I have a ice pack under my neck, a pillow over my eyes, and still the pain remains. I try to remain still; every movement sends needles into my eyes and temples. My husband is sitting on the edge of the bed, absentmindedly rubbing my arm, trying to comfort me while he surfs the web on his tablet.
Another wave of pain hits, and I feel his hand gently tighten on my arm, remining me to try and keep my muscles relaxed.
"Deep breaths babe."
"Are your migraines this bad?"
"And you get them all the time..."
"I'm so sorry I'm not more sympathetic when you get them..."
"Its okay, just focus on breathing for now. Kay?"
"I love you."
He turns and lifts up the pillow, giving me a kiss on the forehead. "I love you too babe. Now shush, and breathe."
I close my eyes again, and focus on taking deep breaths; all the while thanking God that I've been blessed with such a wonderful man as my husband.

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