Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fleeting Moments

More Pills. Pills for the problems the first pills caused. You'd think that doctors would work on figuring out whats wrong with me, instead of throwing medication down my throat. Well that didn't work... let's try... THIS! The reality of it all is that there really nothing wrong with me, but apparently talking to someone that no one else can see make people nervous, and by nervous I mean afraid. Terrified of something they can't understand. I've never hurt anyone, I've never tried to hurt anyone, but being able to hold a conversation with an imaginary cowboy in his twenties makes the general populace think I'm dangerous. *sigh*
Ainde dled eefi dk dkelsdi kend laeffi. Iekfa sadl ke nie l.
I turned to look at my cow wrangling friend. What? No, I'm not angry at you for being here. I just... I just wish people could understand, or at least that they would leave me alone. 
Er goujd eim sjwy foneujem... J winjf ewmj jif he fww cifj rjngwdf.
I smiled. You're such a flirt... thank you, but no. I think I'll stay here. 
I can't...
Maybe... maybe for a little while. I smiled a him again, and closed my eyes, as I felt him walk up behind me, and his arms wrap around my chest.
Wtr jim wfgnj?
Yes. I'm ready.
He kissed me once on the back on the head, and together we fell backwards into the darkness, into oblivion. Not forever mind you, just for a little while, just to escape the world and be happy, if only for a few fleeting moments.

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